Astro vite

Analog screenshot



The fullstack meta-framework for Angular. Powered by Vite and Nitro

Unpic Img screenshot

Multi-framework responsive image component

Pages Cms screenshot

A user-friendly CMS for static site generators.

Svelte Highlight screenshot

Syntax Highlighting for Svelte using highlight.js

Astro Theme Typography screenshot

Rediscover the beauty of typography.

Docs screenshot



Documentation: PWA integrations for Vite and the ecosystem

Astro screenshot

Zero-config PWA Integration for Astro

Compiiile screenshot

The most convenient way to render a folder containing markdown files. Previewing and searching markdown files has never been that easy.

Hello Astro screenshot

Hello Astro is a multi purpose Astro starter theme written in Typescript, TailwindCSS and AlpineJS. It supports Markdown and MDX based pages and blog posts. screenshot

My personal website made with Astro + Svelte and UnoCSS. Deployed at Cloudflare Pages.

Sanity Template Astro Clean screenshot

Clean starter template with Astro

StarFunnel screenshot

the Astro powered landing page builder

Zaduma screenshot

astro template

Astro Starter Ghost screenshot

A starter template to build lightning fast websites with Ghost and Astro