Latest Astro Themes

The latest Astro themes, templates and starters sorted by submission date.

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Morphull screenshot

Astro starter powered by MPA view transitions

Play Astro screenshot

Play Astro is a free, open-source template perfect for startups, SaaS, apps, and businesses. With its high-end design, functional blog and essential components, it's your one-stop solution for launching a complete Astro website.

Sanity Template Astro Clean screenshot

Clean starter template with Astro

Streamdal screenshot

Code-Native Data Privacy

Tailwind Astro Starting Blog screenshot

A started template with Tailwind and Astro

Understanding Astro Book screenshot

Learn to build remarkably fast websites with Astro ✨

Zaduma screenshot

astro template

Mybatis Plus Doc screenshot

MyBatis-Plus Official Documentation

Endigo Design screenshot

The portfolio of Chris Simmons

Svelte Highlight screenshot

Syntax Highlighting for Svelte using highlight.js

Examples screenshot

Integration Examples with Directus screenshot

My personal blog project built with Astro, Tailwind and Typescript.

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